5 February 2024
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5 Ways to Fund Your Studies Abroad

5 Ways to Fund Your Studies Abroad 

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The thought of studying abroad is both exciting and enriching, but forces you to find ways to fund your studies abroad. Thus finances can be a challenge for many students. However, with thorough research and guidance from One Education, multiple options become accessible without breaking the bank.

Here are the top 5 ways to fund your studies abroad:

1. Scholarships

Scholarships are an excellent trove of possibilities for funding. Many organizations, universities, and governments provide financial assistance based on criteria such as academic achievement, talent, or specific characteristics. Begin your search by looking into international scholarships available in your home country as well as those offered by your desired destination country or universities. Studyportals, Chevening, and Fulbright are all excellent resources. To increase your chances of receiving scholarships or grants, make sure you meet the eligibility requirements and submit well-prepared applications by the deadlines. Here are the types of scholarships: 

  1. Government-funded Scholarships –  Many governments offer scholarships to international students as part of their efforts to promote education and cultural exchange. These scholarships may be available at the national or regional level and cover a range of study levels and fields of study.
  1. University-specific Scholarships – Many universities around the world offer scholarships specifically for international students. These scholarships can vary in terms of eligibility criteria, coverage of expenses, and application requirements. They may be merit-based, need-based, or targeted toward specific regions or countries.
  1. Program-specific Scholarships –  Some scholarships are specifically designated for students enrolled in particular study abroad programs or exchange programs. These scholarships are often rendered by study-abroad organizations, educational institutions, or government agencies that have established partnerships with specific study-abroad programs.

2. Loans

Student loans serve as financial support for students to cover educational costs. Unlike scholarships or grants, loans require repayment, typically with interest, after the student finishes or exits school.  Certain government loans boast more favorable terms compared to private ones. Meanwhile, private loans, provided by banks or financial institutions, come with varying terms and interest rates based on the borrower’s credit history. They might necessitate a cosigner and often offer less favorable conditions than government loans. Before committing to any loan, it’s crucial to grasp all the specifics, including repayment conditions and interest rates. Additionally, some countries offer financial incentives to encourage international students.

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3. Part-Time Jobs

Part-time jobs require students to work fewer hours than full-time jobs, allowing them to balance work and studies. These jobs cover a wide range of industries, including retail, hospitality, tutoring, administrative tasks, and freelance work, and they frequently help with living expenses. While visa requirements vary by country, most international students with student residency permits can apply for these positions. Many part-time jobs provide hands-on experience in areas related to your academic focus or personal interests, providing valuable insights and enhancing your resume.

4. Personal Savings and Budgeting

Personal savings and effective budgeting are two of the most basic, yet often overlooked, ways to fund your studies abroad. Initiate this process by defining clear financial goals and crafting an early investment strategy. This method enables you to allocate a portion of your income toward your study abroad fund and consider augmenting it by taking up part-time work, trimming unnecessary expenditures, and earmarking a portion of any monetary gifts or profits. Also, prioritize needs over desires, scrutinizing each expense to align with your financial objectives. Employ personal finance tools or create a spreadsheet to track expenses, aiding in staying within your financial plan, and regularly review your budget to make necessary adjustments and pinpoint areas where more savings can be achieved.

5. Sponsorships

Numerous organizations, both public and private, extend sponsorships and grants to students pursuing education overseas. Professional associations, non-profit entities, cultural exchange programs, and industry-related institutions might provide research prospects. These sponsorships and grants could be granted based on particular fields of study, career aspirations, or individual traits.

Financial sponsorships, a type of sponsorship, involve direct monetary aid provided to individuals, teams, events, or causes. On the other hand, in-kind sponsorships involve sponsors offering goods, services, or resources rather than cash. For instance, a company might provide equipment, products, or expertise instead of offering direct funds.


Studying abroad can appear challenging, yet with thorough planning and exploring diverse financial options, it’s achievable. Start your search well in advance, maintain a structured organization, and consider applying to numerous funding outlets to enhance your prospects of success. Seeking guidance from One Education Ghana, financial aid offices, or institutions dedicated to supporting international students is always a prudent step forward.

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