About Us

With over three decades of experience, our expert team in Ghana is dedicated to ensuring your readiness for your overseas academic journey.

Our Team

Our Team of Experts

Mensah Sarbah Profile Pic

Mensah A. Sarbah

Managing Director

Cameron Allen Profile Pic

Cameron Allen


David Aruna Nelson Profile Pic

David Aruna Nelson

Senior Consultant

Princess Arthur

Students Counsellor

Vanessa Sarpong

Students Counsellor

Our Vision

To support students in Ghana and West-Africa reach their dream study destination.

Join Our Team

Become a part of our team at One Education.

One Education Ghana is a leading education consultant based in Accra, Ghana. Our primary focus is to support Ghanaian students or International students in Ghana with their applications to study overseas. We're part of a dynamic and fast-paced industry with plenty of opportunities for creativity within our operation. We're entering an exciting phase of expansion and are seeking talented colleagues to join our team and play key roles in our business development plans.

One Education Team
Cameron Allen Office
David Aruna Nelson Office
Mensah Sarbah Office
James Stewart Office
Contact us

Admission requirement for studying abroad

Essential admission requirement for

studying abroad

  • Application form
  • Academic transcripts
  • Statement of purpose (SOP)
  • Letter of recommendation (LOR)
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume
  • Test scores (IELTS/GRE/GMAT)

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5 Ways to Fund Your Studies Abroad 

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The thought of studying abroad is both exciting and enriching, but forces…

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